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2022 - "Pendulum" (Experimental movie from sculpture), 11sec"

Experiment for an Instagram story format.

- Worker's Cottage ResidencyPont-Royal, France

How Long Can I Hold My Breath #02 ©CM

2021 - "How Long Can I Hold My Breath" (Experimental view), 11sec"

Experiment for an Instagram story format.

- Worker's Cottage ResidencyPont-Royal, France


2019 - "Members and a wall" (Working Title), Super8 movie, 59sec"

Experiment for an Instagram story format.

Entre Peaux studios - Transpalette centre d'art, Bourges, France

2018 - "Plumbago" Archive Video Collage (collage video from archives), 4m03"

Battersea Art Center Project - Hope2 the Moving museum, London, Uk

2018 - "Introducing E.M.A." 3D animation video, 2m25"

MAFA Gallery - Interlocution Chelsea College of Art, London, Uk

2017 - "Gorges Profondes" Stereoscopic video view, 2m02"

Worker's cottage - Residence Notre Dame Hamlet, Pont Royal, France

Films Orgre de Barabary 002.jpg

2017 - "Ogre de Barbary" Video animation, 0m35"

(Gallery view) Experimental recording studio

Micro sound installation, Interim II Chelsea College of Art, London, Uk

2016 - "the M.U.D." Video animation, 0m35"

Triangle Gallery - Interim Chelsea College of Art, London, Uk

2016 - "[ - ] HOLYPHEN" Video trailer, 0m33"

Bridget Riley Studios - Interim Chelsea College of Art, London, Uk  

2015 - " ± Laboratory " Installation, 2m53"

CookHouse - Debut Chelsea College of Art, London, Uk  

2014 - " ± 100" Studio, 5m33"

Peanuts Factory - Space, London, Uk  

2014 - " Kunst'ruction" Studio, 3m49"

Stade Vélodrome (Marseille's city stadium) - Marseille, France  

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