Palestra :
Master Fine Art 2017/18
“Project kindly supported by the Cecil Lewis sculpture Award.”
pa•les•tra (pə les′trə),
n., pl. -tras, -trae (-trē).
1. public place for training or exercise in wrestling or athletics.
Text borrowed from Kathy Acker. Re-appropriation of the introduction, «Preface Diary» from her essay titled : Against Ordinary Language, the language of the body, from 1992.
The lexicon of the gym she used, has been replaced with a lexicon that artists use to describe their studio practices. However, the word Art has been banned voluntary.
- Intro -
I have now been making objects for ten years, seriously for almost five years.
During the past few years, I have been trying to write about the gesture.
Having failed time and time again, upon being offered the opportunity to write this essay, I made the following plan: I would attend the studio as usual. Immediately after each session, I would describe all I had just experienced, thought and done. Such diary descriptions would provide the raw material.
After each working day, I forgot: to write. Repeatedly. I...some part of me... the part of the ‘I’ who makes the work... was rejecting language, any verbal description of the processes of making work.
I shall begin describing, writing about making in the only way that I can: I shall begin by analysing this rejection of ordinary or verbal language. What is the picture of the antagonism between making and verbal language?
A Language Which is Speechless
Imagine that you are in a foreign country. Since you are going to be in this place for some time, you are trying to learn the language. At the point of commencing to learn the new language, just before having started to understand anything, you begin forgetting your own. Within strangeness, you find yourself without a language.
It is here, in this geography of no language, this negative space, that I can start to describe making.
For I am describing that which rejects language. (1)
at Chelsea College of Art -
Block D (Room DG06)
16 John Islip St,

Palestra lingo - List of work
Mojo shots
Energy drinks - protein shake - essential shots for Prepping*
*Process of dieting and training to get shredded for a competition.
Wall exercice for Guns*
*Another word for pumped upper arm muscles, biceps and triceps.
Someone to assist you when performing a difficult exercise.
“The rack” is referring to what you put your dumbbells or barbells onto. “Racking” is a common term for putting up your weight after you’re finished. It’s common courtesy in the gym to re-rack your weights once finished.
Exercise apparatus in gym.
Position : Lying on your back facing up. Inv. Prone : Lying on your stomach facing down.
Danser feet and legs positions. There is 5 basic positions in classic dance, the exercise is to practice at the bare, (holding the bare with straight arms and an elongated and steady upper body).
Prep #2 interim level
Exercise apparatus in gym. Set of prep to workout until failure*
* Performing an exercise until the muscle reaches complete fatigue and “fails” at performing any more repetitions.
Rules and Regulations
To help maintain a safe, clean and healthy environment for everyone, it is important to abide by the policies listed below:
For the privacy of everyone, the use of audio or visual recording devices, including a cell phone camera, is PROHIBITED in changing areas, rest rooms or locker rooms.
In contrary to New Jersey’s nondiscrimination law, individuals may not use bathrooms according to their gender identities. Our LockerRoom are gender neutral and unisex.
Public restrooms located throughout the facility are not to be used as changing rooms. Changing must take place in the appropriate locker room area.
No glass of any kind is permitted in locker rooms.
All personal items must be locked in a secure locker. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items or items vacated due to unauthorized use.
Only swimsuits are to be placed in the water extractors in the locker rooms.
Please insure you take all your belonging with you when you leave the gym.